Sunday, August 31, 2008

Leah & Doug

I wanted to quickly post some images from Leah & Doug's wedding before I hit the road for the Nike 10k run tonight... (more on that later)...

I arrived at the house before the bride arrived which allowed me to get some great detail shots.

Once Leah arrived I could tell she was really nervous but as soon as we started shooting she loosened up and we had a great time! Of course, the champagne helped too...

Gus, the 6 month old family pup, was enthralled with all the activity until he got stung by a bee. Poor Gus!

The ceremony was at the United Church on 15th and Burrard. I LOVE that little church! It's so small and intimate and the stained glass windows are amazing! Both Leah & Doug tried so hard not to cry but Leah came prepared with her handkerchief tucked in a "safe" place. She may have thought no one noticed...

After the ceremony we did some traveling around our beautiful city.

Just a little background - Leah & Doug are high school sweethearts and are quite young (23). So it's only inevitable that the groomsmen (who are also quite young) tend to be rather... 'playful'... to say the least. They kept me in stitches with their antics.

The reception was held at the Rowing Club in Stanley Park. The light was amazing by the time the couple arrived so I had to take them down by the water.

Even though Leah & Doug are just beginning their lives together at an early age, it's clear that their love runs deep. They're going to have a life filled with joy and happiness! You can just feel it when you're around them!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Marathon Training

Alright, so here goes... I'm letting everyone know that I've started training for a marathon. I should be ready by the end of November at which time the Seattle Marathon is scheduled (November 30).

However, secretly, I'm aiming for December 7 for the marathon in Barbados... I'm thinking it will be less 'hill-y'. That's a good enough excuse for me. Not to mention the warmer climate and exotic feel of a tropical island in the middle of autumn. Sounds good to me!

Before I started to officially train, I had already been running most mornings for 3 - 5 miles anyway with strength training at the gym thrown in. It's something I've done for years.

I also have to tell you this isn't my first attempt at training for a marathon... I've started a few times in the past only to be thrown off my schedule due to time constraints during wedding season. Events tend to be in the middle of summer - the busiest time of year for photographers. I thought I would be smart this time and begin my training at the end of the season instead and aim for a marathon in the winter (a strategic move considering the possible locales).

Wish me luck! And feel free to hold me accountable! I need all the support I can get!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Jacklin & Graham - Wedding

Jacklin & Graham's wedding day was 'magical' to say the least. It was a warm, sunny day (which has been rare the past few weeks) in Southlands surrounded by beautiful homes and a lot of horses!

Out of respect for their privacy and the current media attention, I won't be displaying any images but I know I captured the spirit of the day! I could feel the love and warmth of family and friends enveloping the couple as they said their vows. After the ceremony, the couple rode in a horse-drawn carriage and we had a chance to escape the camera crews and get some amazing shots at a beautiful, red barn. From there we were able to cruise through the Dunbar area and eventually down to the Vancouver Yacht Club. An old vintage car was awaiting them and I got some great shots with the Vancouver mountains in the background.

I don't think I've ever met a couple so meant for one another than Jacklin & Graham. They know the true meaning of love and have a deeper understanding for how precious life really is. Perhaps part of it is a result of the challenges they have faced early in life. But I get a feeling it goes beyond life experience - it comes from the sense of values given to them from their parents and grandparents. Without this foundation, I believe their journey may have been a little more difficult to bear.

Through everything, they have kept an unbelievable sense of humour and I had SO much fun laughing with them and the rest of the bridal party the entire day. On August 23rd, something I had always known but hadn't thought a lot about lately, came rushing back to me - the importance of strong family values, unconditional love and standing tall in the face of adversity while never losing the joy life has to offer.