Wednesday, November 21, 2007

BC Children's Hospital Foundation

Although the Miracle Telethon isn't until May/June, plans are in full swing for yet another record-breaking year! Monday I was invited to join many prominent individuals dedicated to the Foundation and the incredible work it does. I was able to see first-hand the research currently underway that will help fight the many ailments and diseases this province's children face on a daily basis along with their families. There is so much hope for these children BECAUSE of what the BC Children's Hospital Foundation does. That is what keeps me contributing to the Foundation. For every family or child portrait I'm commissioned to do, I contribute a portion of my proceeds directly to the BC Children's Hospital Foundation. If you would like to contribute, please go to or give me a call for your next family portrait!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Wedding Bells Dream Destination Wedding Winners

I had the absolute pleasure of photographing Dana & Derrick this past Friday. They were the winners of the $40,000 Wedding Bells Dream Destination Wedding contest. I have to take a moment here to thank Susan Hyatt (aka The Wedding Lady). She put together this entire contest and I can't speak more highly of this extremely gifted wedding coordinator! You must contact her if you're getting married. Visit her site at

I took Dana & Derrick through Stanley Park and made numerous stops around the park. It just happened to be the day the Park opened up the section that was hit by the wind storm last year so we were able to get more than we bargained for.

Dana & Derrick had to be THE most fun to shoot and apparently had the most fun... especially after I made them jump in the ocean! I wish you all the best as you head to Mexico for your actual wedding!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Jacklin + Graham

Although their wedding isn't until the hot, balmy month of August 2008, Jacklin & Graham were looking forward to getting some photographs with the colourful autumn leaves on a somewhat cool, crisp day. Thank goodness it was a dry day here on the 'wet' coast.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Times Square

This year I have traveled more than any other year to date! I was recently on a whirlwind trip from Upstate New York to NYC to Washington, DC to Virginia and back. New York City is one of my favourite cities to visit but this time around I was only there overnight. I took advantage of what little time I had and called one of my New York brides from this year. I got together with her and her sister for a VERY quick shoot in Times Square late that night. The lights in Times Square were enough to capture some really interesting shots. I LOVE to play with light and angles! I literally only had 20 minutes but it was well worth it!