Thursday, August 28, 2008

Marathon Training

Alright, so here goes... I'm letting everyone know that I've started training for a marathon. I should be ready by the end of November at which time the Seattle Marathon is scheduled (November 30).

However, secretly, I'm aiming for December 7 for the marathon in Barbados... I'm thinking it will be less 'hill-y'. That's a good enough excuse for me. Not to mention the warmer climate and exotic feel of a tropical island in the middle of autumn. Sounds good to me!

Before I started to officially train, I had already been running most mornings for 3 - 5 miles anyway with strength training at the gym thrown in. It's something I've done for years.

I also have to tell you this isn't my first attempt at training for a marathon... I've started a few times in the past only to be thrown off my schedule due to time constraints during wedding season. Events tend to be in the middle of summer - the busiest time of year for photographers. I thought I would be smart this time and begin my training at the end of the season instead and aim for a marathon in the winter (a strategic move considering the possible locales).

Wish me luck! And feel free to hold me accountable! I need all the support I can get!