I had the absolute pleasure of photographing Dana & Derrick this past Friday. They were the winners of the $40,000 Wedding Bells Dream Destination Wedding contest. I have to take a moment here to thank Susan Hyatt (aka The Wedding Lady). She put together this entire contest and I can't speak more highly of this extremely gifted wedding coordinator! You must contact her if you're getting married. Visit her site at www.weddinglady.com.
I took Dana & Derrick through Stanley Park and made numerous stops around the park. It just happened to be the day the Park opened up the section that was hit by the wind storm last year so we were able to get more than we bargained for.
Dana & Derrick had to be THE most fun to shoot and apparently had the most fun... especially after I made them jump in the ocean! I wish you all the best as you head to Mexico for your actual wedding!