Thank goodness it wasn't raining this morning! It was a beautiful sunny day for the 5k Run for the Cure.

Mind you it was very cold and for the first kilometre I couldn't feel my legs. After about 2k I was able to get the blood flowing and ran much smoother. I finished in 32 minutes which was consistent with my 10k run (1:04).
I didn't have any of my friends with me this time... 8am on Sunday morning isn't exactly easy for a lot of people. But I DID meet up with one of my BEST friends: it's GREEN!

I always have her with me on movie night (haa haaa). M&M's with a box of popcorn - yum! But I digress...
The BEST part for me was the finish line. Not the fact that I crossed it but standing there watching everyone else come in after me. The smiles and look of accomplishment on everyone's face really lifted my heart.

Most of these people don't run on a regular basis. But their lives have been touched by friends, family members or even themselves who've had breast cancer. A lot of them have lost loved ones to this disease.

Side note: Next year I'm DEFINITELY dressing up!

They're not running 'cause they "like" to run, they're running (or walking) for a purpose that far exceeds the desire to exercise. Every person who crossed the finished line looked like they had just saved a life. The great part is, each one of those people who ran (and raised money) WILL eventually save many lives! What an AMAZING feeling that is!
For me to witness this unbelievable sense of humanity, among over 13,000 people, was quite overwhelming. I stayed close to the finish line for a long time watching this beautiful scene. Eventually the cold took over though and I was forced to head home... NFL, cozy warm clothes, a cup of tea and a bag of M&M's... :-)
(Let's not talk about the Seahawks.... :-( )