Now that I've qualified that, my time for this run was 1 hour, 3 minutes and 55 seconds. Very slow... considering the last 10k I ran took me 57 minutes (that was almost 10 years ago). I'm ok with that!
I'm also ok with the fact that my friends who ran with me, finished before me... and they don't even train! Kerry did it in 40 minutes! That's awesome!
The scenery was amazing as the sun started going down. I actually ran with my point and shoot camera, but, because my goal was NOT to stop, most of the pictures I took were blurry. I saw a LOT of people along the way standing on the side with professional equipment. I bet they captured some unbelievable images! I'd LOVE to see them!
Here are some pictures I took before the race:

Here's me just as the race began:

Me AFTER the race:

A few of my friends after the run:

Our legs were killing us (and my glutes were sore) so we headed to the beer garden. Can you believe they served beer after a 10k run??? Needless to say, I had water ('cause I don't drink) while my friends double-fisted the little plastic cups.
The BEST part of the night was that the band "The Trews" played on the open-air stage then "Theory of a Deadman"! They were AWESOME! What a GREAT night! AND I got some good training in...