I actually got an email from Jacklin & Graham today while they're on their honeymoon thanking me for making their day so fun. I thought that was so sweet! Jacklin told me some GREAT stories of their adventures so far and I can't wait to see their pictures.
... Jacklin also gave me permission to post some photos if I'd like. I hadn't even asked them!!!! I guess they read my previous post and wanted to let me know it was ok to show some images. So... here are just a few near the beginning of the day:

Jacklin was getting pampered next door to the McMynn residence when I arrived - getting her makeup done by Jayna (she's awesome!) - while her bridesmaids fed her sushi. Once she was all made up, the process of getting into her dress began. Jacklin's bridesmaids were incredible! Jacklin didn't have to ask for a thing!

Jacklin looked absolutely gorgeous!

A horse and carriage brought the bride from her place to Graham's where the ceremony was being held. LOVE that!

Stay tuned for some more images...