The girls got ready in the nurses' hut which was a modest building at the base of the camp.

The guys got ready in the cabins up the hill (there are a LOT of hills on this property) with ACTUAL bunk beds that could fit a child no bigger than 10 years old! It was so rustic!

Bart was my FAVOURITE camper!

The ceremony was held even further down the hill, right on the lake.

What I loved best was how much fun everyone had! Take away the dresses and the suits and put on some shorts and hiking gear and everything would have been exactly the same! Thank goodness I had my sensible shoes on.

As both Stephanie & Damian are athletic and active, it only seemed fitting to capture them in their natural element.

The bridal party was practicing their 'grand entrance' and everyone one was in hysterics! LOVE this photo of the couple!

The reception was completely different! Steph & Damian had provided wigs, costumes and anything else for the guests to dress up in throughout the night. As the night went on, the guests became much more 'creative'...

Apparently the guests (and the couple) partied until 4:00 in the morning! It was quite evident the following day and my normal 'day after' photo session was nixed rather quickly in favour of a quick nap.

But it wasn't long... I managed to get a couple more photos before they went back to catch up on some real sleep.

The best part of my trip was capturing this image before any of this began...

It was the FIRST picture I took that day...